Just snippets of what I'm up to in the Studio and adding Friday fill-Ins just for fun. :D
And...here we go!
1. Finally, I slept past 1 am this week.
2. Talking to no one to create a video tutorial sure takes some getting used to!
3. Dad says: You can want in one had, $@#T in the other, but you know what you're left with. Make your own dreams come true cause no one else can or will.
4. Brat is my favorite nick name for me by my best friend Joe.
5. It took a long time, but I'm SO feeling there!
6. My art studio is a huge mess right now, though I wouldn't have it any other way.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with a movie, tomorrow my plans include cleaning my office and art studio (oh and maybe the house too! lol, and Sunday, I want to PLAY in the studio! you didn't think it would STAY clean did you?! ;)
Sounds like good weekend plans to me!