Hi there everyone! Been very very busy here with some upcoming surprises, but did manage to get a new kit created for my Beautiful Mess series. Beautiful Mess 4 will be released Tuesday Aug 23rd. Want to win it before it's release?!? See at the bottom of this post how to. :)
Beautiful Mess 4 is all neutral colors and will work with many kits you already have in your stash extending them even more or use alone too. You will my love of mixed media really coming out in this one with with many rub-ons that are perfect for layering, using as masks to blend in your photos by either clipping to or using as an overlay on your photo and playing with the blending modes as show by Nicky here below.
By Nicky |
From Nicky how she did this: I put the RubOn3 over my photo and shrunk it down just a little (the photo had been cropped to a 8x10). Then I changed the layer mode to Color Burn. Then I copied the layer, flipped it horizontally (edit, transform, flip horizontal), and moved it to the other edge. Then I used a layer mask on each. For one I used a circle brush to erase where the two rubons overlapped. Then I changed to Cilenia's
Artist's Tool Box 04 watercolor brushes (which I use ALL THE TIME), and erased the parts that were over the baby. That's it.
Here's a little more art from a few of my AWESOME team members for your viewing pleasure.
Would you believe Valerie took these pictures at a local Shopping Mall! Wow, I want to shop there just to see this art and I'm not a shopper!
By Valerie |
Wonderful Photos of when Marlyn and her family visited St. Paul ruins! So jealous but at least I get to enjoy the sight through the lens of her camera!
By Marlyn |
And I'd like to welcome our newest CTM Beth Ervin! She created a LO for
Beautiful Mess 3 this week and used some items from the new Beautiful Mess 4 too. What a SWEET little girl and a perfect LO for this memory. Welcome Beth and thank you for being a part of our team!
By Beth |
So how can you win this kit? It's simple! Just tell me something here in the comments you'd like to learn for any of your artistic endeavors! Be it digi scrapping, mixed media, art journaling or life journaling! I'm working on several nice little mini series of tutorials and want to make sure I include what you want to learn. :)
I will announce the Winner Tuesday morning here.
Ciao for now!
Wow, this kit is just a dream. So many possibilities!