Katemac show us a wonderful page she created for her S word. Stained Glass. I think it was just awesome how she has taken her artistic talent and the challenge of making a covering for an odd shaped window and learned something new. But what I really want you to notice in this layout is how she scrapped it!
She listed her problems and solutions as her thought process went. AND she listed her learning steps too! Then she had a photograph of the different steps in her list! This is such an easy idea that that we can apply to almost anything we do and make a wonderful scrap page out of it! Think about making dinner, making cookies with a child, learning a new skill, the normal list of things you do every day. The morning ritual in your house or the evening ritual. I can see lots of ideas for this type of layout that are not only fun, but also capture our moments in time.
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So what are some other S words? Sabbath, Sacred, sacrifice.. these can be religious or these can be things you hold sacred or have sacrificed for the good of family or yourself. Even the word Salvation could be about someone who was or is in your life that was your salvation.
How about a He Said, She Said page! Could be a dialog between two people in a serious way or a funny conversation you had with a spouse or child. Make your title work accentuate the S in the word Said.
Sage, the color, the herb you use for cooking or healing, a very size person or a very profound idea or action.
Sailing, sailboats and sailors. How about a Sale? Are you one of those shoppers who knows how to hunt down the best sales? Have a fun shopping day with your mother or sister? Scrap it!
Do you do Salmon fishing? I used to do this every year and loved it! Best eating too. ;)
Ever take a Side road and find a new adventure by accident? Or maybe you took a Side trip you have been wanting to scrap about?
Have one of those old pictures of your man or father with those classic Side Burns?
Ok, how about T?
Well, this was an easy one for our Tamara! But what a great page she did about her own name and journaling a little bit about herself!
Credits: ABC Series Collection and Retro Summer Kit
Now I know most of us don't have this wonderful name (but great idea for the letter of your name or one of your families!) so what are some good T words that could spark an idea for you?
How about TEXTING! I think it has taken over my daughter! But what a FUN page from Kathleen capturing one of today's new communications! I mean think about it… 30 years ago, who would have thought?
T-bone, mmmm good steaks on a summer afternoon. T-square (I used this often and could make a page about all it's uses). Have a passion for Tabasco Sauce? Maybe a page about the many things you make or use it with. Tic Toc and Time, maybe a page about something you are patiently or impatiently waiting for? A proposal, a goal to reach, Family Time!
And along with the Salmon for S, you could have Tackle for your tackle box! Or Tackle for something that you tackled and accomplished as a goal!
U - Umbrella! What a FUN page Lynne made of her two boys and an Umbrella that I found in the gallery! And how creative too! Just love Lynne's extractions and new ideas she brings us.
And Kathleen did an awesome page already too for the word Us you and me! This is great for a couple as well as siblings, parent child or an entire family! Good word!
Hmmm some other good U words could be… UFO :) Seen one lately? Living near Area 51 we swear they are out there! lol
UK for our Brit buddies Veevs and Lesley! Maybe one day I will get to visit, but I know I could scrap a page about these two wonderful online "mateys". ;)
Ugly, or ugly duckling who turned out to be a beautiful swan. Well, I may not have turned into a beautiful swan, but I sure do know how that duckling felt when my mother used to have me in those 60s bouffant haircuts!
Ultimate! The ultimate goal, wish, satisfaction. Or to the extreme of Ultra as in maybe your extremist over obsessive hoarding scrap supply habits… oh that's me, sorry. ;) Well, I do know a few others! lol
How about Umpire? Do you know one or play one in life?
Unaltered, maybe a page about all the things that have gone unaltered in your life over the corse of 20 or even 40 years?
Under - Under someone's spell in love, have kids who like to hide under everything, or have you said your wouldn't do something "under any circumstance", but then did and loved it! Kind of like me and skiing!
So hopefully I've sparked some ideas for you today here for your ABC book and keep yours going! Don't give up! We are almost there and think of all the unique ideas everyone has shared in our ABC Gallery that may never have gotten scrapped! Be sure to share some of yours too. We love seeing everyone's take on this book idea!
Till next time,
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