So I asked Miss Bailey what her P words would be. "Please" was the first thing out of her mouth. :D Then she said, Play, Playmate, Popcorn, and Promise. I said those were good words! Then she looked up at me and said, " Please if I promise to play nice with my playmate, can I have some Popcorn?" Yea, she's only just turned 6! Wow! I quickly grabbed my Scrapbook Sparks booklet and wrote it down.
What's my Scrapbook Sparks booklet? Well it's this little notebook I keep always with me and when I get an idea for a scrap page I jot it down. I promise, I will have this for you later today with a little file and video so you make your own too. I'll even scan in my current one so you can see how I use mine. :) Will be the Technique Thursday post posted early as I will be busy cooking and enjoying the family here for Thanksgiving. I also have one I use for listing Gratitudes and Miss Kara has one for her school and tutoring planner. I will show you examples of all. Promise! lol
Back to our P Words.
Lynnea had a wonderful page for P I found in the gallery. P is for Pancakes! What a wonderful capture of a family tradition! Grandma making pancakes with the grand-children! Just LUV how she did this page! Find it here in the ABC Gallery with all her credits and leave her a little luv. She really did an awesome job! Can we say "Scraplift?"
So what are some other P words?
Peacemaker - Do you have one in your family? Or maybe you have a Packrat? (insert my boyfriend's name here lol). Not a hoarder mind you… but keeps the most useless stuff for the "One day".
How about Package? Did you get a sweet little package in the mail that you were anxiously awaiting?
Paddles - for boating that is, not the wooden spoon that was known as "Mom's Paddle".
Painful - Maybe scrap about a painful memory, but how you overcame the pain and healed.
PAINT! Of course you knew this would be in here. Luv my paints, couldn't live without them. I personally could scrap a book about this and how I'm inspired by color and textures of all kinds of different paints. Maybe even use those free paint chips from the DIY store that I have somehow collected a box of. LOL Yes, I really really like colors and paint! (brb, jotting down again in my little Sparks book!) LOL That was a kewl idea I just had to do! (See how that booklet works and can be so handy?)
Painted Ladies - no, not the street kind… the Victorian houses of the 19th century. I used to restore these to their historical beauty and studied the color palettes used. Was a true passion of mine. (another good P word, Passion). I've gone on many tours too of these wonderful homes and could scrap some of my favorites.
Here are some more P words to spark maybe a thought or idea: Palm Tree, (from a vacation maybe, mine are in the backyard and I have come to not like them so much. PAIN to trim and sharp little suckers). How about Pan for the cook or chief? Peaches, peachy (for a feeling), yes, showing my age here! Peak - I climbed Pikes Peak as a teen with the Youth for Christ organization. Peanut Butter - One of my FAV snacks! Peanut Gallery - Every house has one that tries to chime in! Pearl, Pears, Pleasant, Pecan Pie! (Thinking about making one for Thanksgiving.) Pedals, for your bicycle or your flower passions. Peek, Peek-a-Boo - could be a great page about a baby in your life playing Peek-a-Boo with you. Peeps - an idea for all your friends. Penalty Box for your hockey player. Personality - you could list someone's personality traits and journal about how much personality they have. Penny Loafers - Penny Royal (an herb I love), Penny Pincher, ummm, not me sadly. Pentagon, did you visit? Puppy, Pub, Publish, Maybe you got published! Puddles, that could be a fun page of playing in puddles after a rain. I know we all have done it.
So hopefully I gave you some good ideas today for your P pages. Add yours if you like in the comments too and be sure to link us up to your layout when you get it done. I luv seeing all of them!
Till next time!
That's such a cute story about Miss Bailey!! She's awesome!